About the Catalogue

About the Catalogue

Taxonomy, as far as nomenclature is concerned, is constantly revised, causing changes in the names of the components of a flora. In many genera of Chilean vascular plants, the species have been known for more than two centuries, however, there is a large number of genera that have been recently revised, which has had an impact on nomenclatural changes and variations in the number of members that They understand the different hierarchies. Given the dynamic nature of this discipline, it is necessary to be aware of the need to continually update this knowledge because it constitutes the basis for many other disciplines, being a fundamental tool when evaluating the environmental impact of productive activities on the country's flora.

This Catalog of the Vascular Plants of Chile constitutes a new update, correction and synthesis of the taxonomic and geographical information of the country's flora, including its island territory and the current regionalization. This new catalog meets a national need to know what species grow in the territory, and it is expected that it will also be an incentive to update knowledge of difficult groups that have not been treated with new techniques and systematic tools.

The information available through the Catalog of Vascular Plants of Chile is based on the article Rodríguez et al. 2018 and the book Rodríguez & Marticorena (eds.) 2019:

Rodríguez, R., C. Marticorena, D. Alarcón, C. Baeza, L. Cavieres, V.L. Finot, N. Fuentes, A. Kiessling, M. Mihoc, A. Pauchard, E. Ruiz, P. Sanchez & A. Marticorena. 2018. Catalog of the vascular plants of Chile. Gayana Botany 75(1): 1-430. https://scielo.conicyt.cl/pdf/gbot/v75n1/0717-6643-gbot-75-01-1.pdf

Rodríguez, R. & A. Marticorena (eds.). 2019. Catalog of the vascular plants of Chile. Editorial University of Concepción, Chile. 424 pp.

The information in this catalog will be kept updated periodically, as new taxonomic changes or new records of vascular plants for Chile arise. In this sense, we invite you to collaborate with information that complements this update process, contact us in the contact form.

The photographs in this Catalog of Vascular Plants of Chile have a license called Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/, not allowing commercial use. Its use for educational purposes is permitted only if it does not include commercial use, keeping the photograph as is without adaptations and citing the source and the corresponding author that it contains printed on the same photograph. For eventual commercial use, please contact us in the contact menu.